Thursday, August 20, 2009

7th week

I knew about the results, and i think that I should take care about my health because sometimes I always skipped my meals, that cause me to have stomache. and i should need to take care of myself by avoiding junk food and unhealthy food.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


I've experienced a negative peer pressure, when my classmate ask me to "gala". and i know in myself i have a responsibility that I must do. So it was like I have it in my mind deciding yes or no.... and he thinks that Im Kj and im not enjoying my teenlife.]
But I told him no, because I know if I let him to influence me It will be a harm to me.
I had learned that I must know what is the good and wrong, and I must stand for God.

9th week

a responsible person is a man that doing his own role in people, society and etc.
I can be a responsble person at home, by doing my household chores and take care of things I need to take care of.
I can be responsible at school by obeying the rules, and study hard.
I can be responsible in my community by not littering and pick up some trashes even it's not mine.

8th week

Before, I don't want to be corrected...
that was my weakness, and I don't admit my mistake. It's just like a selfishness. Until I was listenign to a sermon from our guest speaker. And he said that we should remove our selfishness, and It's good to admit our mistakes and to be corrected. because it can teach us a good moral lessons.

6th week

The challenge that I had taken is our first long exam in mcl.
At first, i was nervous because I have no idea what kingd of exam here. of course i want to have a higher score in exam. a night before our exam day, I study hard to master all the lessons.
And I thanked God because I beat the challenge that I got the higher score, I felt I was relaxed becuase all the hard things that I had done while Im reviewing was all relieved.
I realized when you prepared for something, you will not fail....

Sunday, August 9, 2009

5th wk

“The Most Challenging Thing I have ever Accomplished”.
I feel good when i have accomplished something with my own. like painting, you need to think about what its purpose and theme, it's hard to figure out that when you paint what is your next move after you done this. I have given my full effort of doing this painting, and im done I feel that I accomplish something.....

Monday, August 3, 2009

4th week

Postive Characteristics
Sensitive in the feelings of others
Love God

1. I want them to correct me in a nice way
2. I want them to listen in my opinion

3rd week #2

If you will an outstanding virtue, what it will be?

Honestly, I want to be a worldchanger. Before I enter the College I just promise to God that everything that I will do, I will glorify him. I just gave all my plans to him...
And now i have know that mcl and me have the same vision.
I want to change the world with god's power and faithfulness.
I want to prove thatnothign is impossible with him.

3rd week

when I attended the Youth Camp in Iba, I've knew that God created a many different peoples and it's up to you how you will socialize to these people.
I don't know why these people are doing some "kaartehan"....
Because Im a child who was raised by a Christian Family and since child i grew up in a Godly environmnet.
I want to practice my values here in MCL
Knowledge, because as a Christian i must have a knowledge for good and evil.
I must show my love to others

Monday, June 29, 2009

journal #1 ( 2nd week)


Name:karla Kezia Gurieza__________________ Date:____June 28 2009_____


Common Personal Values

Calm, quietude, peace

2. Commitment

3.Concern for others

4. Creativity

5. Discovery

6. Faith

7. Friendship

8. . Self-reliance

9. Knowledge

10. . Goodness


1. How was your first week of stay at MCL?

In my first week in MCL, I don't know what was going to happen in me. Before I began in my journey in college, I was thinking if I will be a survivor here in MCL. The first Person i've met was Genica, because i think we have the same instinct. So I have a one friend now, then about the professors...... Honestly, I never expect that all of them were so kind. and they are!!! all of my subjects are quitely difficult, but I know that I can do it.... And I realize that I will enjoy this journey until the end....

2. Describe your professors. What are traits do you find positive in each one

Im looking for a professor that can understand the feelings of his/her student.... and im expecting it on a MCL prof,.....
Sir Bryan( my prof in DAD) are kind and understanding but very strict..... he can know what is our mistakes in our activity in Lab.

Sir IT011 ( i called him IT011, because I forgot his name, he was my prof in IT011)... I liked him because he was a cheerful man, he had a sense of humor and very understanding, and i liked that kind of person who always smile.

Ma'am Vergara( she was my prof in math) is also a very kind woman, I have seen her patience, if we don't understand the some math problems.. and always smile in us.

sir valenzuela( my Filipino teacher) and I think that i will never forget him. because he was a true man, he showed in us his true identity and he had a sense of humor... he is a makulit na teacher.... so i liked him too

Ma'am Desacado( my teacher in Hum013), In our first class.... i
can say that I don't like her because I thinked that she is " masungit , mataray etc. " because i don't see her a cheerful smile....she always lifted her eyes that it seems she don't like something. But the qoute says , " Don't judge a book." I realize that she is kind, understanding and have a happy smile..... and I like her too....

ok.... In ma'am mondez.... I thought she is a very strict person , because of the MELT that i have been taken in her. But when she entered the door she gave us a wonderful smile. And i said to myself ( i was wrong because I thinked that she is kind and can be a good friend)Honestly, she is favorite teacher... Im not a lier....

3. Describe your blockmates/section. What do you think are the strengths and weaknesses of your section?

I'm so blessed of having a classmates like them especially in the girls... even if were only five but we both know the right and the wrong doings. Unlike other section they are all kind and friendly.

I have two classmate boys that are very fluent in english, i was amazed of their english but sometimes I'm get mad on them....

and some other classmates are very funny and had a sense of humor...
but sometimes I don't like them because of their unexpected words and attitude.

4. How do you find your courses? Which ones do you think are easy and which ones do you think are a little bit challenging? Why?

they are all challenging. they are not so hard or so easy. i always asked my classmates in what room we will go, because i never memorize the room #

5. Do you have any adjustment you feel you are going through or must go through? What are they? Cite examples in terms in your academics, emotions, and social environment.